Success stories


The brief

How Humanz used travel influencers to promote Turkcell

Bring to life just how expansive Turkcell’s cellular coverage is within the Turkish region
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No of influencers used

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Pieces of content created:

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Channels used:

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Target audience:

The campaign had a broad reach and wanted to target all cellphone users in the Turkish region

The role of influencers

We sent our creator team to the most beautiful (and remote) destinations in Turkey and tasked them with uploading their pictures and videos to amplify TurkCell’s excellent national coverage.

The selection criteria

Humanz used their proprietary data to identify Turkeys TOP travel influencers who were not only strong content creators but also had the majority of their audience based within the Turkish region.
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We turned something as mundane as a mobile coverage campaign into something truly engaging with campaign statistics that included an engagement rate of 5.5% (3x the industry average). The campaign was Turkcell;s most effective influencer campaign on record and went on to win the “The best influencer campaign of the year” at the prestigious Inflow Awards.

A Look At Some Of Our Favourite Content

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