Success stories


The brief

How Humanz helped Purity make some noise about a new baby food range

To raise awareness of the new ranges of meals, snacks & drinks that Purity had to offer.
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No of influencers used

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Target audience:

Parents with toddlers between 3-5 years of age.

The role of influencers

It is well known that new parents love to share notes and who better to make some noise about a new range of baby foods than authentic parents that could share REAL & unscripted reviews.

The selection criteria

Humanz used their propriety algorithms to identify a team of influencers who were not only parents of toddlers but ALSO carried an above-average level of target market.
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Humanz brought Purity’s goal to life by pairing the perfect mix of content creators with a well thought out and tailored Instagram specific parenting focussed strategy that resulted in campaign results well exceeding industry specific KPIs.

A Look At Some Of Our Favourite Content

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