Success stories


The brief

How Humanz Made People View Mayonnaise Differently

Showcase the diversity of how Nola mayonnaise can be used to spruce up a meal.
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No of influencers used

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Pieces of content created:

0 +
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Channels used:


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Target audience:

Middle-class Moms between the ages of 18-34 years old

The role of influencers

Instagram and food are a match made in heaven and Humanz was able to find TRUE foodies that created content that was so much more authentic than boring s tandard studio pack shots

The selection criteria

Humanz listed the campaign on their Humanz marketplace and received bids from upwards of 840 Mom’s who were perfectly aligned within our target audience. From this they were able to use their data to handpick a team of influencers that would be tasked with bringing the campaign to life.
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Engagements Goal


Engagements Achieved

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Impressions Goal


Impressions Goal



Humanz brought Nola’s goal to life by pairing the perfect mix of content creators with a well thought out and tailored Instagram specific, foodie focussed strategy that resulted in campaign results well exceeding industry specific KPIs

A Look At Some Of Our Favourite Content

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