Baby Soft Toilet Tissue

How Humanz worked on a long term strategy to drive brand awareness and shift perceptions around toilet tissue.

The Brief

Humanz was approached by Baby Soft in 2020 to enter into a long term partnership to implement strategies centered on shifting peoples perceptions around toilet tissue and to help start interesting conversations around a product that is usually a rather awkward topic of conversation.

Number of influencers used:


Pieces of content created:


Channels used:


The Target Audience

The campaign targeted males and females aged 18-35

The selection criteria

Between 2020 and 2021, the selected influencers were skewed towards the lifestyle category. In 2022 the campaign required an addition of family-related creators with the inclusion of kids.

The role of influencers

Creators produced content that assisted in driving awareness, engagement and trial of the Baby Soft®️ product range. In addition, they created demo content to show the product against the competitors. This would then encourage people to consider Baby Soft®️ when purchasing toilet paper/moist tissue.



Impressions Goal


Impressions Achieved

+ 0 %



Engagements Goal


Engagements Achieved

+ 0 %


In the beginning of the partnership, due to the pandemic, people were in a unique space mentally and emotionally hence the campaign attempted to apply comic relief in the content strategy. Humanz & Baby Soft collaborated and had creators showcase the product and the end results showed the product outside of its functional place i.e outdoors, making toilet paper rolls as accessories etc. this attracted negative attention resulting in the campaign content going viral with negative sentiments. Although the brand managed to get the attention of people, the objective to showcase the new package, functionality and product benefits was not lost. As a result, the brand and Humanz collaborated in making a change in strategy to be more intentional with the content created. The success of the follow up campaigns is evident that this shift worked with the campaigns far outperforming industry benchmarks

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